Manage syllabus documents.
Add New
- By default, each new page has a Syllabus List block
- Supported Extensions – pdf docx doc
- Default Semesters – Fall, Spring, Summer A, Summer B, Summer C
- Default Program Levels – Undergraduate, Graduate
Import syllabus documents from other sources into the Media Library and attaches them to a new syllabus page.
- The files are stored in a /syllabus/ directory in the default uploads directory.
- The new syllabus pages use the Semester and Year as the default title.
- The import source and import date are stored in the acbl_import_source and acbl_import_date post meta.
Import documents from URL
Allows you to import from a page URL with links to syllabus files of supported file types.
- Enter a valid page URL then select “Get
- Select the files to import and select the semester, year, program level, and department.
- Click “Import”