
Manage syllabus documents.

Add New

  • By default, each new page has a Syllabus List block


  • Supported Extensions – pdf docx doc
  • Default Semesters – Fall, Spring, Summer A, Summer B, Summer C
  • Default Program Levels – Undergraduate, Graduate


Import syllabus documents from other sources into the Media Library and attaches them to a new syllabus page.

  • The files are stored in a /syllabus/ directory in the default uploads directory.
  • The new syllabus pages use the Semester and Year as the default title.
  • The import source and import date are stored in the acbl_import_source and acbl_import_date post meta.

Import documents from URL

Allows you to import from a page URL with links to syllabus files of supported file types.

  1. Enter a valid page URL then select “Get
  2. Select the files to import and select the semester, year, program level, and department.
  3. Click “Import”

Import documents from zip file (not implemented)

Import documents from Media (not implemented)